The Mid Twenties Crisis

Let’s bring it back a couple of months here. It was the end of January, it had been a busy month at work. My birthday was looming but I’d been too busy to give it much thought. Until one day my blissful little bubble was popped by a few simple words from a friend.

“You know once you turn 24 you’re officially in your mid twenties right?”

My mid twenties?!?! I was aghast at the thought. I was so comfortable in my cushy early twenties existence and the thought that that was about to be over was terrifying.

friends end of an era

Sure, I knew I was still young. I was by no means falling victim to the pre-birthday wailings of “I’M SO OLLLDDDD!!” but the realisation that I was about to take an involuntary step into a new stage of life was like a cold grip on my heart.

I was under the impression that once one got to their mid twenties, one had their whole life figured out. I hadn’t the slightest clue what I was doing with my weekend, let alone my career. Did that mean I was doing it wrong?! Shouldn’t I know by now?! My internal fretter started writing mental lists:

Reasons I Do Not Have My Life Together, Thus Cannot Possibly Be In My Mid Twenties

1) Don’t understand mortgages.

2) Don’t understand bank loans and interest rates.

3) Actually, don’t understand anything to do with finances or anything that falls under that bracket.

4) Change into pyjamas upon arrival home.

5) Can’t cook a roast dinner.

6) Don’t have a five year plan.

7) Don’t have a one year plan.

8) Don’t even have a one week plan.

9) Have 30p in my savings account.

10) Will probably transfer that 30p into my current account for use on chocolate to overcome mid twenties trauma.

Turns out trying to slam on the brakes and stop time (just even for, like, a minute while I get my head together) doesn’t work. The Mid Twenties Club had snuck up on me, even if I was kicking and screaming at the door.

So here I am, one month and seventeen days into my mid twenties and it’s not as scary as I thought. Sure, I still stare blankly back at people when they ask me what I’m going to do with my life/what career path I plan to take/what temperature to cook chicken at, but I’ll figure it out eventually. For now, I’m working on a different list.

How To Make The Most Out Of 2015

1) Figure out how to use 20 days of annual leave to make a dent in my travel to-do list.

2) Join the gym.

3) Actually go to the gym.

4) Explore Edinburgh more – it is home after all.

5) Say yes to social outings. Even if I’m tired, or it’s a school night, or I’m having an average hair day. Because after all, I am only in my mid twenties. Being a grown up can wait.



  1. Ok this is really funny. I became 19 this Jan and I was like umm when did I even become 18. I guess it starts once u get older than ur fav book characters. Remember Famous Five!! But I loved this one 🙂

  2. Sepiedeh · · Reply

    Hi Lisa, I laughed a lot as i read your lists! Just want to say enjoy your mid twenties and it gets better and better when you reach end of twenties… i love your humour.

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